Moving Forward

Moving Forward - A Blog For Driving Clinical Genomic Solutions

Call to Action #4 – Technology companies building advanced genomic capabilities

Tech products should clearly show their genomic capabilities and advance their integration of genomic data.


Questions to Ask

As we approach the electronic heath record (EHR) vendors, what questions should we ask about their products capabilities that support the implementation of clinical genomics? Here is my initial list. Please provide your feedback below, and together, let’s help solve these technology issues.

  • Does your product website clearly explain its capabilities for genetic and genomic testing?
  • Does your product use standardized data interfaces for the import of lab genetic test results? 
  • Does your EHR system have the ability to integrate with third-party family health history and genomics applications or services?
  • Does your product provide tools for genetic counselors as they assist clinicians in patient management?
  • What capabilities does your product offer for pharmacogenomics and the analysis of improved prescription choices and patient outcomes?
  • Does your EHR system support real-time clinical decision support that includes all clinically relevant genetic data?
  • What clinical genomic workflows does the EHR system support, such as  streamlined genetic test selection, pre-authorization, and test ordering process (see CTA#3), variant interpretation and reporting?
  • Does the EHR system support the sharing of genomic data with other healthcare providers and institutions?
  • How does the EHR system support patient consent and data sharing for genomic data?

Provide feedback

Do you have suggestions or feedback regarding this Call to Action? What steps or solutions do you suggest to meet these goals? Have you taken action and has it resulted in a particular outcome? Provide your comments using the form below or feel free to send an email directly to  

I will use the feedback provided to create additional posts around this topic which you will be able to view on this page. Please note that no identifying information will be included in anything posted on this website unless such identification is consented. 

CTA04 Feedback Form

Response Posts to CTA#4

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